Spring Cleaning Rummage Sale Set for April 12

Shoppers ... get ready for some great bargains! Sellers ... get ready to clean out those closets! We are booking spaces and tables NOW for our Spring Cleaning Rummage Sale, set for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 12, in the Fellowship Hall at McKnight United Methodist Church in Ross.

Tables and spaces are available for just $25 each. Set up early from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday night or on the morning of the sale beginning at 7:30 a.m. Food will be available for sale throughout the day. Proceeds from table reservations and concessions benefit our preschool program.

Book your table by calling 412-367-0381 or emailing us at amazingscholaracademy@gmail.com. Or print your reservation form here. As only a limited number of tables and spaces are available, all reservations must be prepaid. Questions? Give us a call at 412-367-0381.

Full-Day Enrichment Program Now Enrolling for 4’s

ASAP is pleased to offer a new full-day Enrichment Program for 4-year-olds that will help parents with their childcare needs and provide endless opportunities for our preschoolers to learn and create in a familiar environment.

There will be no change to our regular morning and afternoon classes for our 4-year-olds. However, parents can now enroll their preschooler in this new all-day program that will run from 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The fee for the new program, including regular tuition, is $450 per month. Only 15 spots are available.

Here’s how it works: Children in the 4’s morning class will have their regular academic curriculum in the morning, eat lunch, then continue the afternoon in our Enrichment Program. Children will bring their own lunches, and our teaching team will provide students with a variety of activities to — as the title suggests — enrich their preschool education and socialization.

If you are interested, please speak with Mrs. Duncan right away, either in person, by calling 412-367-0381, or by email to amazingscholaracademy@gmail.com.

Registration Open
for 2025-2026!

We are currently enrolling students for the 2025-2026 school year. Openings are available in our morning and afternoon classes for 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds, as well as in our full-day enrichment program for 4-year-olds. Don’t wait. Email us at amazingscholaracademy@gmail.com or call 412-367-0381 to arrange a tour and get your questions answered.


Our preschool program in Pittsburgh's North Suburbs creates a warm, loving and caring atmosphere in which each child is given the opportunity to experience social, physical and academic growth. Children graduate from our program with all the tools to help them succeed in kindergarten and beyond. Local school districts regularly report that our students are among the best prepared.

Our program began in 1980 as Mount Assisi Academy Preschool, a sponsored ministry of the School Sisters of St. Francis. Over nearly 40 years, we have had the honor of serving multiple generations in some families. Even the children and grandchildren of some of our earliest students have come through our program! So as the School Sisters aged and their need to repurpose the space occupied by our program intensified, we set out to find a new home to continue to serve our preschool families.

In 2018, we moved to the grounds of McKnight United Methodist Church in Ross Township and are now known as Amazing Scholar Academy Preschool. We brought along with us to our new home the same curriculum, approach and lay teaching team, as well as gratitude to the MUMC community for welcoming us. We are excited to have many of our current preschool families come along with as, and we are delighted to welcome new children and families to our quality program.

Preschool Families Support Neighbors in Need

This fall, our collective preschool family teamed up with McKnight United Methodist Church — which sponsors and hosts our preschool — to support those in need in the broader community. During the week of October 7-11, our preschool families contributed food, household goods, clothing and more to support the work of Global Links, Clean Closets for Campers, the United Methodist Church Union Daily Bread Feeding Program for the homeless, and the food bank at Christ Lutheran Church in Millvale. We are grateful to and proud of our preschoolers and their parents for opening their hearts and helping out our neighbors in need. Together, we can make a difference!